
Thursday, December 8, 2011

I'm into the Bloggers Lane !!

Having stepped into the blogger's lane, I met people...of different instincts, different attitudes towards life, different perceptions, different auras, different problems, different solutions and those with different solutions to the same problem !! And then began the find and see where I fit...All are good, thats what I always try to believe. I always keep reminding myself that All are good, all that matters is two similar personalities being  together or not. I have never till yet met any person who has no well-wishers, who is not liked by anyone at all and when each one is liked by someone, doesn't that clearly mean that All are good for someone!! So, lets see whom are we good enough for .
Now, I start with trying to pick up good lessons from all my blogger pals. I try to learn from their experiences..bcos I find my life too short to first make my own mistakes and then learn from them!! Once, I pick a lesson...I make a Promise, though its quite hard to follow each of it..but I know its never too late to try ;-) AN incident with me today at breakfast and then a subsequent visit to one of my blogger pal's post knocked my mind about Criticism... Not detailing much...I try to promise myself to handle criticism better :-) Yup..I still am in the trial for promise phase and I accept that.
So, what promise did you make to yourself lately?

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